Class: Beadweaving Series - Peyote Stitch. Thursdays from March 20 to May 29, 11:30-1:30

Learn a variety of forms of peyote stitch over 9 weeks with 9 projects.


$360.00 per person



About this experience

This class series is designed to build your skills in this versatile stitch.  Each week you will start a new project, then finish it at home.  Week 1 starts with the simplest version of the stitch, then we increase the project complexity through the weeks as you practice the skills you learn. 

While this series is designed for beginners to bead weaving, experienced stitchers are welcome, especially if it's been a while and you want to get your stitching mojo back! 

Class size is limited to 8, and some supplies will be provided, but you can expect to need to purchase beads and findings as you go.  Class series participants will receive a discount on the day of class. 

We will be working with small seed beads, so bring your reading glasses if you need them.  Our classroom lamps have great light and magnifiers, so that will help.


Q: What happens if I have to miss a class?

A: You will be provided the tutorial for the missed class and the option of squeezing two weeks into one class. The majority of stitching projects involve learning the stitch, then spending the rest of the class stitching what you learned, so this can be done.

Q: The class time spans the lunch hour - is it okay to bring a snack?

A: You are welcome to bring food and drinks to class so you don't miss a meal. We also have filtered hot and cold water available, and lots of tea!

Q: How much can I expect to spend on supplies?

A: That depends entirely on the beads you choose, but probably around $10-30 per class.  Some threads and beads will be able to be used for multiple projects.  You are always welcome to bring supplies from your own bead stash to use, as well. The beads for the first class are included, plus a few basic notions.  

Q: Will I be able to choose colors I love?

A: For every class we will pull suggested beads that make choosing easy, but you will always be able to select your favorite colors from any of our store inventory, or from your own stash of beads.  

Q: When does this class meet?

A: This class meets every Thursday starting on March 20th, (with a two week break May 8 and 15) with the last class being on May 29th, 11:30-1:30.  Your one time class fee of $360 covers all 9 sessions.  

Q: What are the projects?

A: 1) Flat even count peyote stitch bracelet, 2) two drop peyote stitch bracelet, 3) odd count peyote stitch bracelet, 4) peyote beaded beads, 5) 3-D star, 6) diagonal peyote stitch bracelet (2 options - easy and not so easy), 7) rivoli capture, 8) freeform bracelet 9) crystal point or antler capture.  These are the projects, and you will practice stitching and build on techniques as you progress through the series, including ways of adding thread, attaching clasps, creating customization or embellishing, and building enough experience to be able to do more intuitive beading in weeks 8-9.

Q: What happens if I have trouble finishing my project?

A: You can ask for assistance in the next class, or attend one of our free open beading sessions on Tuesday nights.

Q: Do you have to sign up for all nine classes?

A: Yes.

Q: Who teaches this class?

A: This class is taught by Gail DeLuca, owner and founder of White Fox Beads.  Gail has been teaching these techniques in her shop since 2006. Gail's teaching style focuses on learning techniques so you can have more confidence in trying projects and patterns you find elsewhere. 

Q: I am a lightly experienced stitcher.  Do I have to start with the beginning project or can I jump ahead a little? 

A: A limited class size means that we can absolutely tailor the pace of the class to your needs.  You can skip ahead to a later project offered, and just spend more time in class on that. 

No Risk Guarantee: We want newbies to feel comfortable knowing that you can give it your best effort, and if it's not your thing, you can drop out after the first week.  I encourage you to give it a try, even if you have never stitched beads with needle and thread before.  Success requires time and effort outside of class, but we do understand that sometimes we try a craft and quickly find out it isn't our thing.  We get it.  But, if you take the first session and you decide to drop out by the time the next week rolls around, we will offer a refund for the cost of the remaining classes.  But, after that first week, you're in it for the duration - get ready for fun!